Dr Mohammed Mohammed

Principal Practitioner

MBBS Grad Cert. Clin. Ultrasound (Melb) FACRRM EM AST

Dr Mohammed holds Fellowship with ACRRM and has 10 years of experience as a doctor. His other roles revolve around being a GP Supervisor and a Medical Educator whilst his special interests include skin cancer surgery, point-of-care ultrasonography and pain management. He is highly regarded amongst his peers for his professional approach and equally so amongst his patients as an attentive practitioner.

Languages spoken – English, Arabic and Kurdish


All New Patient Appointments will be booked as a long appointment

Bulk billing applies to those who meet the following criteria only:

  • 65 years or older AND hold a valid Pension Card

  • Children 12 years and under

  • For routine consultations only.

Fees apply for all procedures / Skin Checks etc.

All out-of-hours appointments afert 5:30pm are privately billed and will attract a $10 Surcharge.

Payment is to be made at the time of consultation.

Eftpos Facilities & Medicare Claiming is available on site.